Pastors, Staff, Leadership

Delmer Geesey


Pastor Delmer started Life Community in 1990 and is the lead Pastor, speaking most weekends. Delmer Geesey also started Leading Edge Academy in 2001 and has grown to 7 campuses valleywide. 

Roy Sublasky

Associate Pastor

Pastor Roy joined Life Community in 2018, leading various programs and ministries such as Journeymen and Next Steps.

Jaime Johnson

Associate Pastor

Pastor Jaime started as an intern in 1999 receiving her minister's license and joining the staff in 2001.  Pastor Jaime currently oversees operations and communications.

Pastor Dolores

Associate Pastor

Dolores has been with Life Community since the beginning, 1990. Dolores oversees all our business and coordinates the Healing Room and Healing University.

Jessica Darley

Associate Pastor

Pastor Jessica joined Life Community in 2003 and currently oversees all our Prayer and Care.

Greg Johnson

Associate Pastor

Pastor Greg semi-retired and moved from Texas in 2020 joining the Life Community team. Pastor Greg leads Midweek Momentum and speaks at various events.

Charles Flores

Youth and Young Adults Director

Charles joined the team in 2022 and leads our Youth and Young Adults programs. 

Ian Whitney

Kid Director

Ian is a senior at Grand Canyon University, studying Ministry in the Barnabus program and is set to graduate in May 2025. Ian leads our Saturday programs, Sundays, Parents Night Out and traches Chapel twice per week at Leading Edge Academy. 

Dylan Auer

Sound and Tech Director

Dylan graduated from CRAS (Sound Conservatory) in September 2022 and is now a Sound and Tech Director at Life Community Church. 

Justin Cantrell

Worship Leader

Justin joined our team in 2024 as our Worship Leader, he is also a middle school science teacher. 

Abby Sublasky

Admin Assistant

Abby joined our team in 2023 and assists with all things administrative, leads special events and assist with various ministries.