What It Means To Be A Christian Of Jesus Christ

Christianity, and the concept of being a Christian can sometimes get blurry and confusing, but simply put a Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. We follow Christ by embodying the beliefs of the Christian Faith by believing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and also putting faith into action as a true disciple of Jesus Christ. The Bible also suggests that a Christian is someone who's behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ.

What Does It Mean To Behave Like Christ

From a Christians perspective, when someone puts their faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ of his death on the cross for our sins and his following  resurrection their behavior reflects, mirrors, and resembles Christ.
Loving, forgiving,  and praying for our enemies is behavior that resembles Christ
Being merciful and gracious to others is like Christ.
Serving and caring for the poor, the marginalized among us, is being like Jesus.
Nurturing  for the sick, needy, bused, underprivileged, orphaned, and vulnerable mirrors and reflects the Son of God.
However it’s not just good works that automatically determines if someone is a  Christian. Being a follower of Jesus extends beyond our external actions. It also includes the condition and essence of our heart.

The Importance Of Going To Church As A Christian

Church is such an important part of being a Christian, for it allows us to keep a connection and relationship with God and feel the passion of the Christ. For the church was God's idea and his words instruct us to be involved. Church is a place where you are taught God's word so that you can grow spiritually and utilize your gift given by God. It is also the place where you can connect with other believers of god as well as feel and accept the love of Jesus Christ.
 “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18)

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